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HawaiiThreads Trivia Game

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  • #91
    Re: HawaiiThreads Trivia Game

    Originally posted by zztype

    I say again, "Eehhhh??"

    uuuuhh. maybe you can explicitly describe what ya have a problem with here?


    • #92
      Re: HawaiiThreads Trivia Game

      Here are the questions for Day 29 (whew!), due by 9:00 in the evening on April 1. Last day of the game!

      question 1
      category: HawaiiThreads
      On what date and at what time was the first post at HawaiiThreads submitted?

      question 2
      category: HawaiiThreads
      Which HawaiiThreads regular was born on August 13, 1972?

      question 3
      category: HawaiiThreads
      "In a word," what does HawaiiThreads "bring to the party," according to its administrators?

      Send your answers to me in PRIVATE MAIL by 9:00 p.m. April 1!
      But I'm disturbed! I'm depressed! I'm inadequate! I GOT IT ALL! (George Costanza)


      • #93
        Re: HawaiiThreads Trivia Game

        Originally posted by zztype
        Scores, day 27:

        66.1: Surfingfarmboy
        63.8: ZZType
        57.1: EastCoastTropics
        33.8: Moto
        30.85: Helen
        22.6: Kalei99

        Scores, day 28:

        69.1: Kalei99
        66.8: Helen
        59.1: Moto
        36.8: EastCoastTropics
        30.85: ZZType
        25.6: Surfingfarmboy
        It seems that Surfingfarmboy and Kalei99 got each other scores, as well ZZtype and myself being switched and Moto and EastCoastTopics.


        • #94
          Re: HawaiiThreads Trivia Game

          Mitchell is sitting there, laughing his 'okole off, I'll bet!!!
          Make trouble, have fun, do good stuffs.


          • #95
            Re: HawaiiThreads Trivia Game

            Good one scrivener! Have a good April Fools Day everybody!!


            • #96
              Re: HawaiiThreads Trivia Game

              Originally posted by EastCoastTropics

              ...April Fools Day...!!
              Doh! Nailed before I even set foot out of the house!
              Make trouble, have fun, do good stuffs.


              • #97
                Re: HawaiiThreads Trivia Game

                What's the problem? I don't have a problem with those scores!
                So long...and thanks for all the fish!


                • #98
                  Re: HawaiiThreads Trivia Game

                  I agree, the scores look great to me....

                  Happy April Fools day Everyone!!!!
                  Whoa, Mista Buss Driva, eh, you can stop the buss o wat?


                  • #99
                    Re: HawaiiThreads Trivia Game

                    Here are the answers for Day 29 the last day of this round of the HawaiiThreads Trivia Game!
                    question 1
                    category: HawaiiThreads
                    On what date and at what time was the first post at HawaiiThreads submitted?

                    The First Post went up on April 9, 2004 at 7:14 p.m. That means it's about time for the first birthday. Anyone wanna meet for ice cream on the 9th? I'm totally serious. Anyway, ZZType (who almost missed it but noticed his typo and sent in a correction!), Helen, EastCoastTropics, Surfingfarmboy, Moto, Kalei99, and Mel knew their stuff and get one point each!

                    question 2
                    category: HawaiiThreads
                    Which HawaiiThreads regular was born on August 13, 1972?

                    That would be Kilinahe. It turns out that even with a question like this, Google was your best option, as a search for HawaiiThreads with "August 13, 1972" in quotation marks returns exactly one match. High fives to ZZType, Helen, EastCoastTropics, Surfingfarmboy, Kalei99, and Mel!

                    question 3
                    category: HawaiiThreads
                    "In a word," what does HawaiiThreads "bring to the party," according to its administrators?

                    Wow. That's quite a claim, isn't it? I mean, when that was written, "everything" was a lot! But now that we've seen a trivia game here, I think we can say we've seen just about everything after all! So points to ZZType, EastCoastTropics, Surfingfarmboy, Kalei99, and Mel for finding it in the FAQ. Turns out Google was the best option here, too. I swear, the next time we do this we're either going all-Google or all-Google-PROOF!

                    Those of you who were taken aback by last night's scores can thank MOTO, who suggested it as an April Fool's joke! Woo! That was just...classic! Classic, I tellya. I was giggling so hard last night I think I wet myself!

                    Okay, so here are the actual, honest-to-goodness final scores!

                    72.1: Surfingfarmboy
                    69.8: ZZType
                    62.1: EastCoastTropics
                    37.8: Moto
                    32.85: Helen
                    28.6: Kalei99
                    26.9: Mel
                    11: Linkmeister
                    9: Kimo55
                    6.5: Miulang
                    5: Kilinahe
                    3: LikaNui, Mokihana
                    1: Glen Miyashiro

                    Congratulations to everyone who participated and had fun--'cause fun was the whole point. I've got the munchies like crazy, so I'm going to have some food and then I'll be back to (a) discuss the (small but) nice prizes and (b) do a little wrap-up on the whole game. Back in half an hour or so!
                    But I'm disturbed! I'm depressed! I'm inadequate! I GOT IT ALL! (George Costanza)


                    • Re: HawaiiThreads Trivia Game

                      Thank you for your time in putting together this challenging Trivia Game. Really enjoyed it.
                      Whoa, Mista Buss Driva, eh, you can stop the buss o wat?


                      • Re: HawaiiThreads Trivia Game

                        The question was about the Hasegawa General Store, but Surfingfarmboy's answer included this:
                        Side note: When I hear the name "Hasegawa" I don't think of the Hasegawa Store; rather, I think of the first girl in my life I thought I couldn't live without..Vickie Hasegawa..she was my first crush.

                        Perhaps it is the romantic in me, or perhaps it is the English teacher in me ('though come to think of it, one of those mes is probably the reason the other exists) that sees something important here. Something in this response resonates for me, so please indulge a little bit of my expositing.

                        In the eighties, Irving Wallace (bestselling author of The Word), Amy Wallace, and David Wallechinsky wrote a book of what appeared to be trivia, but they considered what they were compiling to be exactly the opposite of trivia, so they called their book Significa, and what a great title that is; truly, the opposite of something trivial is something significant, and if something is lodged in one's brain for no apparent, immediate, practical reason, the temptation (or perhaps the societal pressure) is to call it "useless knowledge." I have been proclaimed the king of useless knowledge by my friends. All my life.

                        Here's the thing, though. If it was truly useless, and by that I mean significant only to me, I'd be the only person who remembered this stuff. Yet clearly, I am not the only one who remembers this stuff. Google-hunting aside, very few questions I've put forth in this space this past month went unanswered. If you remembered this stuff and I remembered this stuff, that sounds pretty dang significant, wouldn't you say?

                        I came up with the vast majority of these questions myself; they are the product of my own wandering mind, so clearly, they are not trivial to me. The Hasegawa question reminded Surfingfarmboy of his first crush, and how could that ever be trivial? The day we remembered those commercial spokespeople, Moto sent me a whole list of local commercials I didn't include. The day we matched high schools with their sports teams' nicknames, ZZType had occasion to remember the alma maters (almas mater?) of his father and father-in-law. Linkmeister thought the Steven Wright quote sounded like Lily Tomlin, and although it wasn't, it prompted him to look up some of his favorite Lily Tomlin quotes. Helen gave me a small piece of information that I can't imagine I'll ever use, so of course I'm filing it away for when I'll need it (I now know the names of TWO Klingon warships!). That squid luau question gave EastCoastTropics reason to think about those times when she gets to come home, and that's the word she used: Home. Yeah. It's still her home.

                        This is just a small sample of some of the great stuff I got to read in private mail, and it was all prompted by seemingly silly, seemingly useless knowledge. I really felt that we connected in small, perhaps temporary, perhaps lasting ways.

                        And you know, that's what we do here. Here-HawaiiThreads and here-the-Internet. We find ways to make connections and we get involved in each others' lives and sometimes we have amazingly profound conversations prompted by the silliest of topics and sometimes what seem like topics of extreme importance are springboards for uncontrolled silliness.

                        I say all this because I'm very, very grateful for your participating in this silly little contest; it was a lot of work, but every day when I came home from work, I got to read these wonderful stories from you all about stuff that had significance to you and to me. Your participation was an encouragement, not only as an affirmation of my efforts to do something we'd consider fun, but as an affirmation of my belief that there is no such thing as useless knowledge.

                        Neither is there such a thing as meaningless conversation. So if you've mostly been lurking, experiencing vicariously the connecting that the bananas who frequent this place get to experience, I encourage you to put something out there. There are threads here about tiny cans of soda! Anything is fair game, anything can lead to something really nifty, and it's all significant, if only for being a record of what you felt like talking about on some particular day.

                        We'll do this again sometime, perhaps in a few months. Meanwhile, there's nothing stopping anyone else from coming up with their own similar (or dissimilar) activity!
                        But I'm disturbed! I'm depressed! I'm inadequate! I GOT IT ALL! (George Costanza)


                        • Re: HawaiiThreads Trivia Game

                          The prizes are not a big deal, but I do want to award them. Surfingfarmboy's getting the first pick; after that, ZZType chooses from what's left, then EastCoastTropics.

                          There are two booby-prizes: one is for the most consistent participant and one is for the funniest or most creative answers. It turns out that both booby prizes go to the same person: Helen. I'm going to exercise executive authority and award Helen one of the booby prizes and the other to the participant who placed second in both these categories: Moto.

                          You'll hear from me in private mail, and once everything's been distributed, I'll post an announcement here!
                          But I'm disturbed! I'm depressed! I'm inadequate! I GOT IT ALL! (George Costanza)


                          • Re: HawaiiThreads Trivia Game

                            Mitchell, and all who participated, thanks so much for the hard work. This was a blast. I found myself stressing over the answers when they didn't come quickly and spent time calculating and plotting how I was going to pass SurfingFarmBoy!!

                            I can say that I blew off truly important tasks for the benefit of this contest. (Yes, I know, it was for me, not the contest.) Evidence, my ranting the other night on seeing the scrambled scores. I was serious! A few posts, a few private messages and even an email sent directly to Mitchell went unanswered! I was FUMING! Imagine my embarrasment the next morning on seeing MOTO's "April Fools" message.

                            Frankly, that was TOO FUNNY!!!

                            Thanks so much, mahalo, mahalo, mahalo!

                            Make trouble, have fun, do good stuffs.


                            • Re: HawaiiThreads Trivia Game

                              Mahalo for the trivia game Mitchell! There were a couple days there where I couldn't participate because I was too busy with planning my daughter's baby shower (I going be a Nana for da first time). But I tried to play everyday and it was a lot of fun!

                              Your April Fool's Day joke was a good one...I'm usually the one who plays jokes on others...hehehehe!

                              Again, mahalo!!!



                              • Re: HawaiiThreads Trivia Game

                                A good game indeed. Thanks, guy.

                                I came up with the vast majority of these questions myself; they are the product of my own wandering mind, so clearly, they are not trivial to me.
                                I'll bet each one of us could come up with some questions, although certainly not the exhaustive 30 days worth that you did. I know my mind has more small facts in it than is absolutely necessary for my continuing existence. Forex, from 7th grade English:

                                Who was "the man without a country?"

                                I got that question once in an interfraternity contest similar to GE College Bowl, and without hesitation said "Phillip Nolan."


